At Haizelur we are committed to the highest levels of production quality, attending to every detail of our production resources and facilities to offer you the best possible parts machining to plan service.
Which means that our facilities and production resources are one of the fundamental cornerstones of our working philosophy. At Haizelur we have cutting-edge facilities and production resources with the most advanced technology to guarantee the utmost quality and precision in our parts machining service.
Here you will find a full list of our machining centres, milling machines, vertical centres, CNC lathes and tangential grinding machines.
X = 900mm
Y = 800mm
Z = 1000mm
Dividing plate of X = 630mm / Y = 630mm
X = 750mm
Y = 650mm
Z = 560 mm
Automated palletised warehouse with 3 pallets
X = 700mm
Y = 500mm
Z = 700mm
Dividing plate of X = 450mm / Y = 500mm
X = 800mm
Y = 800mm
Z = 700mm
Dividing plate of X = 900mm / Y = 900mm
X = 4.000 mm
Y = 1.000 mm
Z = 1.100 mm
Dividing plate of X = 1000 mm / Y = 1000 mm
X = 3000mm
Y = 1675mm
Z = 2000mm
Dividing plate of X = 1600mm / Y = 1200mm
X = 4000mm
Y = 1500mm
Z = 1200mm
Optionally fitted CNC dividing plate X = 1000mm / Y = 800mm
X = 4300mm
Y = 1200mm
Z = 2000mm
Optionally fitted CNC dividing plate X = 1000mm / Y = 800mm
X = 1050mm
Y = 600mm
Z = 600mm
X = 850mm
Y = 400mm
Z = 500mm
X = 1200mm
Y = 700mm
Z = 700mm
Ø = 860mm
Z = 1600mm
Ø = 550mm
Z = 1130mm
X = 1000mm
Y = 400mm
Z = 200mm
X = 1000mm
Y = 600mm
Z = 600mm
X= 1500mm
Y= 700mm
Z= 600mm